Shield The Skies【POETRY】

Shield The Skies

Exponential Wind
Blows leaves and twigs down the mountain

 iF iT haD thoughtS
 woulD thE winD bE A swarM
 oF beeS, nO differencE tweeN
 needleS oF pinE anD brancheS oF honeY-sloweD saP
; thE naturaL worlD, kniveS ouT
 oF carapacE, resortinG tO thE daggeR iN thE bacK
: thE onE motheR knowS wilL destroY herselF
The Trees Are Gone, Now

A Princess of Needles
Makes her first mistake
Defending her secret self
From the mountaineers in search of
Every Beautiful Foot Of Elevation.

 exponentiaL windS
 cuT aT theiR fingerS,
 holloW theiR eyeS
, theiR deeP, endlesS eyeS
 fulL oF lovE sO curiouS
And The Mountain, The Ever-Royal Mountain
falls asleep alone once more
