

Welded parasites eat from the inside out, as the fruit grows with age.
But the iron insect never stops chewing.
It is heavy, and gravity is what brings us all below to bone and ash,
Constantly pulling down and feeding the ground.

Little flies hover around the wretched stink of the infested Sekai Ichi.
Flies of action, of relapse. Begging the fruit.
The flies turn to swarm, to storm, to the blinding black.

The juice squeezed by the gnawing teeth of the creature
Trickles into the bleed beneath the knees, a limp showing its signs.

Book and Quill, Note and Mind.

The limp shows a sign, a message asking for breath, for health.
Give it its requests and see the bug, watch it.

The horse ignores their flies; they turn their gaze and see forward.
They are flies, not stars.
See your stars before listening to your flies.

It is manipulated metal, it cannot leave without the rotting of the apple.
The fruit’s growth is exponential, and the mass of the Lusterless slows its bite.
It is heavy, but gravity is a card most powerful if played correctly.
Without it we would have no movement.

Disces ab paenitentiae.
