A Letter to Death【POETRY】

 A Letter to Death

Good day from a far away land,

We have come face to face on multiple occasions
But never brushed lips.
Every time I see you skipping towards me,
I pause time to think of thee, and I reflect.

I think.
Whether you are foe or friend, I do not understand
But I cannot let you in either way.
For joining hands would lead to friendship,
but may that friendship fall, alas!

I hope.
I see the glint of you in the eyes of many who look at me.
And of course, they are only glints. Glimpses of the hopefully nonexistent future.
I do not wish you upon anyone, I do not wish you upon anyone to me.

I care.
I realize not all ends well but with sincerity I digress back together with hope.
I hope and I try to capture and dispose of those glints which turn into flames
the flames of imagination’s pain, the fear instilled in the eyes of my own,
the ever pressing death of the mind.

Though you are strong, dear Death, I am strong too.
I will persist, and no entangling of twine or doodling of the mind
will you use to entrap me. And even then you will not touch me,
for promises are much stronger than that which they disobey
So long as the host of the promise believes so.

Even if you entrap me, you shall not take me.
I am like you, I only want to chat and be raised up above your soft snares
By those who partake in me.
And often I have found similarity makes a great difference,
a difference which splits us all apart.

Say, we only want friends but not to be friends with each other.
and I apologize, I wish you not a lonely life.
I’ve heard from my own ears it is not a pleasant one.
I say we watch each other from a distance. We keep each other in check,
and when your father Life wishes me away I will shake your hand proudly.
Who says those who help each other from a distance cannot be friends later on?

And so now I must ask you, distant-friend,
How about it? Is it not well penned?
